Chapters & Book Reviews

My book chapters encompass the following issues: international trade, development, and global governance with a special focus on cultural and technological issues. A few encyclopedia entries are also listed below.

Scroll down for book reviews.

Singh, J.P. 2023. “Sport, Race, and Cosmopolitanism.” in Chadwick, Simon, Paul Widdop, and Michael M. Goldman, eds. The Geopolitical Economy of Sport: Power, Politics, Money, and the State. Routledge.

Singh, J. P., Neslihan Kaptanoğlu, and Meng-Hao Li. 2023. “Taking a Soft Power Approach to Cultural Heritage Protection: Toward an empirical methodology .” In Naren J. Chitty, Li Ji, and Gary D. Rownsley The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power, pp. 47-69. Routledge.

J.P. Singh.  2022.  “Geographies of Peace and Religion.” In Jolyon Mitchell et al. Editors. Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace.  Wiley-Blackwell Publishers

J.P. Singh. 2021. “Racism and Paternalism” in Pevehouse, Jon CW, and Leonard Seabrooke, eds. The Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy. Oxford University Press.

J.P. Singh. 2020. “Introduction: Cultural Values in Political Economy.” In J.P. Singh. Editor. Cultural Values in Political Economy. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

J.P. Singh. 2020. “Culture and International Development: Managing Participatory Voices and Value Chains in the Arts.”  In Victoria Durrer and Raphaela Henze. Editors. Managing Culture: Reflecting on Cultural Exchange in a Global Times.  Routledge.

J.P. Singh. 2020. “The Meta-Power of Music.” In Ronald Grätz and Christian Höppner. Editors.  Music Opens Up Worlds: Shaping International Relations.  English language publication forthcoming. German language edition Musik öffnet Welten.  Steidel GmbH.

J.P. Singh. 2019. “Science, Technology and Art in International Relations: Origins and Prospects.” In J.P. Singh, Madeline Carr, Renée Marlin-Bennett.  Editors.  Science, Technology and Art in International Relations. New York: Routledge.

J.P. Singh. 2019. “Reflexivity in STAIR: Social Context and Ethics for the Future.” In J.P. Singh, Madeline Carr, Renée Marlin-Bennett. Editors.  Science, Technology and Art in International Relations. New York: Routledge. 2019.

J.P. Singh. 2017. “Beyond Neo-Liberalism: Contested Narratives of International Development.” In Alistair Miskimmon, Ben O’Loughlin, and Laura Roselle.  Editors. Forging the World: Strategic Narratives and International Relations. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.

J.P. Singh. 2017. Regulating Cultural Goods and Identities Across Borders.” In Victoria Durrer, Toby Miller, and Dave O’Brien. Editors. The Routledge Companion to Global Cultural Policy. London: Routledge.

J.P. Singh. 2017. “Technology” In Kenneth Reinert. Editor. Handbook of Globalisation and Development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

J.P. Singh. 2015. “Issue Structures and Deliberative Contexts: Is the WTO More Participatory Than UNESCO?” In Patrick Heller and Vijayendra Rao. Editors.  Deliberation and Development: New Directions.  The World Bank, Washington DC.

J.P. Singh. 2015. “Cultural Globalization and the Convention” In Christiaan De Beukelaer, Mikkaa Pyykkonen, and J.P. Singh. Editors. Globalization, Culture and Development: The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity. Basingstone, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

J.P. Singh. 2015. “Conclusions: Theories, Methods, and Evidence.” In Christiaan De Beukelaer, Mikkaa Pyykkonen, and J.P. Singh. Editors. Globalization, Culture and Development: The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity. Basingstone, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

J.P. Singh. 2015. “The Power of Diplomacy: New Meanings, and the Methods of Understanding Digital Diplomacy.” In Corneliu Bjola and Marcus Holmes.  Editors.  Doing Diplomacy in the Social Media Age: The Theory and Practice of Digital Diplomacy.  London: Routledge. 

J.P. Singh. 2014. E-governance as a Means of Development in India.” In Steven Livingston and Gregor Walter-Drop. Editors. Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

J.P. Singh. 2014. “The Large-Scale Interactions of Information Technologies and Power in Global Politics.”  In Maximilian Mayer et al.  The Global Politics of Science and Technology – Vol. 2: Perspectives, Cases and Methods (Global Power Shift).  Springer.

J.P. Singh. 2014. “Cultural Understandings and Contestations in the Global Governance of Information Technologies and Networks.”  In Kelly Moore and Daniel Lee Kleinman.  Editors.  The Routledge Handbook of Science, Technology, and Society.  New York: Routledge. 

J.P. Singh. 2013. Media and Peacebuilding.” In Craig Zelizer. Editor.  Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict.  Boulder, CO: Westview Press.  2013

J.P. Singh. 2013. “The Metapower of Interactions: Security and Commerce in Networked Environments.”  In Tom R. Burns and Peter M. Hall.  Editors.  The Metapower Paradigm: Impacts and Transformations of Agents, Institutions, and Social Systems –– Capitalism, State, and Democracy in a Global Context. New York: Peter Lang.

J.P. Singh. 2012. “Toward Knowledge Societies in UNESCO and Beyond.”  In Divina Frau-Meigs et al Editors.  From NWICO to WSIS: 30 Years of Communication Geopolitics — Actors and Flows, Structures and Divides.  Bristol, UK: Intellect Books/European Communication Research Association.

J.P. Singh. 2011. “Trade Policy.”  In Paul Quirk and William Cunion. Editors. Governing America: Major Decisions of Federal, State and Local Governments from 1789 to Present, 977-983. New York: Facts on File. 2011.

J.P. Singh. 2010. “Security Implications of Multilateral Approaches to Negotiating Internet Governance,” In Anne Clunan and Harold Trinkunas.eds.  Ungoverned Spaces: Alternatives to State Sovereignty in an Era of Soft Sovereignty. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.  2010

J.P. Singh. 2010. “Global Cultural Policies and Power.”  In J. P. Singh. Editor.  International Cultural Policies and Power. Houndsmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-15. 2010

J.P. Singh. 2010. “International Communication Regimes,” In Robert E. Denemark, editor.  International Studies Encyclopedia.  Volume VI.  Boston, MA:  Wiley-Blackwell. 3949-3969.  2010.

J. P. Singh. 2010. “Inference,” “Laissez-Faire, ” Negotiations and Bargaining”, “Cultural POlicy”, in George Thomas T. Kurian et al (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Political Science.  Washington, DC: CQ Press. 

J.P. Singh. 2009. “GATS Plus or Minus? Services Commitments in Comparative Contexts for Colombia and Uruguay.”  In Juan A. Marchetti and Martin Roy.  Editors. Opening Markets for International Services: Countries and Sectors in Bilateral and WTO Negotiations. Cambridge University Press. 505-536. 2009.

J.P. Singh. 2008. “Dialogues as Communication Strategy in Governance Reform.”  In Sina Odugbemi & Tom Jacobson. Editors.  Governance Reform Under Real World Conditions: Communication  Challenges. Washington DC: The World Bank.  65-74. 2008.

J.P. Singh. 2008. “International Trade.” Michael Genovese and Lori Han.  Editors.  Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics.  New York: Facts on File.  1020-1023. 2008.

J.P. Singh. 2008. “Developing Countries.” Michael Genovese and Lori Han.  Editors. Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics.  New York: Facts on File. 1002-1005.  2008.

J.P. Singh. 2008. “Between Cooperation and Conflict:  International Trade in Cultural Goods and Services.”   In Joni Cherbo et al.  Editors.   The Public Life of the Arts in America.  Second Edition.   New Brunswick, NJ:  Rutgers University Press. 177-196. 2008.

J.P. Singh. 2007. “Metapower, Networks, Security, and Commerce.”  In Myriam Dunn et al.  Editors. Power and Security in the Information Age:  Investigating the Role of the State in Cyberspace.  Aldershoot, UK:  Ashgate Publishers.  2007.

J.P. Singh. 2006. “The Evolution of National Interests:  New Issues and North South Negotiations during the Uruguay Round,”  In John Odell.  Editor.   Negotiating Trade: Developing Countries in the WTO and NAFTA. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 41-84.  2006.

J.P. Singh. 2005. “Services Commitments:  Case Studies from Belize and Costa Rica.”  In Peter Gallagher Patrick Low,  Andrew L. Stoler.  Editors.  Managing the Challenges of WTO Participation.” Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 78-94. December 2005.

J.P. Singh. January 2005. “Wiggle Rooms:  New Issues and North-South Negotiations During the Uruguay Round.”  In  John S. Odell and Antonio Ortiz Mena.  Editors.  How to Negotiate Over Trade:  A Summary of New Research for Developing Countries.  Documentos de Trabajo,  Numero 113.  Division de Estudios Internacionales, Centro de Investigacion  y Docensias Economicas (CIDE), Mexico.

J.P. Singh. 2004. “The Persistence and Breakdown of Exclusion and Territoriality in Global Telecommunications Regimes.”  In Sandra Braman. Editor.  The Emergent Global Information Policy Regime. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave. 86-108. 2004

J.P. Singh. 2002. “International Communication Regimes, Overview.” In Donald H. Johnston. Editor. Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications.  San Diego: Academic Press. 463-476. 2002.

J.P. Singh. 2002. “The Institutional Environment and the effects of telecommunication privatization and market liberalization in Asia: Lessons for India.” In Rafiq Dossani. Editor.  Telecommunication Reform in India.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishers.  2002.  (Article expanded, updated and reprinted from Telecommunication Policy)

J.P. Singh. 2002. “Introduction: Information Technologies, Power and Global Governance.” In James N. Rosenau and J.P. Singh.  Editors. Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power and Governance. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. 1-38. 2002.

J.P. Singh. 2002. “Negotiating Regime Change: The Weak, the Strong and the WTO Telecommunications Accord.” In James N. Rosenau and J.P. Singh.  Editors. Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power and Governance. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. 239-272.  2002.

J.P. Singh. 2001. “Communication Technology and Development: Instrumentality, Strategy and Pluralism.” In William Gudykunst and Bella Mody. Editors.  Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication. Second Edition.  Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 479-497. 2001.

J.P. Singh. 2001. “Transnational, National or Local?  Gender-based NGO Networks and Information Technologies in India.” In Sandra J. Maclean, Fahimul Qadir, and Tim Shaw. Editors. Crises of Governance in Asia and Africa.  Aldershoot: Ashgate Publishers, 2001.


Review of Matthew C. Klein and Michael Pettis Trade Wars are Class Wars: How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. In Journal of Development Studies. 2022.

Review of Assa Doron and Robin Jeffrey.  The Great Indian Phone Book: How the Cheap Cell Phone Changes Business, Politics, and Daily Life.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2013. In Technology and Culture.  Vol. 56.  April 2015. 

Review of Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart.  Cosmopolitan Communications:  Cultural Diversity in a Globalized World.  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.  2009.  In Perspectives in Politics.   2012.

Review of Peter Curwen and Jason Whalley.  Mobile Telecommunications in A High-Speed World: Industry Structure, Strategic Behavior and Socio-Economic Impact.  Farnham, UK: Gower. 2011.  In Technology and Culture.  53:1.  2012.

Review of John Ure.  Telecommunications Development in Asia.  Hong Kong:  Hong Kong University Press. 2008.   In Telecommunications Policy.  35:3.  April 2011.

Review of Amrita Narlikar. Editor.  Deadlocks in Multilateral Negotiations: Causes and Solutions.  Cambridge University Press.  2010.  In International Affairs.  January 2011.

Review of Tania Voon.  Cultural Products and the World Trade Organization.  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2007.  In Journal Of Cultural Economics.  2009.

Joint Book Review of Economic Interdependence and Conflict in World Politics and Mediating Globalization  Perspectives on Politics.  2007.

Joint Book Review of Milton L. Mueller. Universal service: Competition, Interconnection, and Monopoly in the Making of the American Telephone System.  Ingo Vogelsang & Bridger M. Mitchell. Telecommunications Competition: The Last Ten Miles. In Technology and Culture. April 1999.

Review of Mark W. Zacher and Brent A. Sutton.  Governing Global Networks: International Regimes for Transportation and Communications.  In Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics Section Newsletter, American Political Science Association.  Spring 1998.

Review of Brian Levy and Pablo T. Spiller.  Regulations, Institutions, and Commitments. In Managerial and Decision Economics.  Vol. 18, 1-2, 1997.

Review of Daniel Sarewitz. Frontiers of Illusion: Science, Technology, and the Politics of Progress.  In Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy.  Fall 1997.